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10 Bold Event Entertainment Tips & Ideas

It doesn’t matter if you’re hosting a family members birthday party, or a large corporate gig; the entertainment is the key to making or breaking your shindig. Thus, it is paramount that you plan thoroughly and account for every eventuality in order to get the best possible results. In this article, we’re going to share some rather bold event entertainment ideas for your convenience.


1 – Budget Wise  

Budget is crucial when it comes to event planning, especially entertainment. Contrary to what many people might think, saving money on entertainment is not a good thing. Certainly, you shouldn’t break the bank and go overboard, but you must spend the most money on the thing you want them to remember, and in this case, it’s event entertainment!


2 – Themes  

Always pick a theme! Events are most memorable when there’s a running theme to get everyone excited and engaged with. You can be as fun and cheesy as you like. The bigger the better! This is especially important if it’s a corporate gig where much of the event will be spent talking figures and plans for the future. Keep your guests entertained and they’ll hang in there through the boring parts!


3 – Always Think of Your Audience  

When planning an event, especially the entertainment aspect, you need to think from your audience’s perspective. What is the demographic? What turns them on? How can you keep them engaged?


4 – Research is Key  

You may find it boring, but research is essential for pulling off a successful event. Research your audience, research the available entertainment, research prices, research everything! The more preparation you do, the better prepared you’ll be on the day.


5 – Venue 

Venue is arguably the most important aspect of an event, and for so many different reasons! In this case however, it is important that you pick a venue that will compliment the theme and entertainment that you are rolling with.


6 – Equipment  

When you hire entertainment for your event, you should ask the act what equipment they have / may need before signing any final contracts. Any decent act worth their salt in this industry should have everything they need to perform.


7 – Insurance  

Be mindful of who you’re hiring. If they don’t have insurance, it’s not worth the hassle. If you go through a reputable company like Bold Events for example, this is something that you will not have to worry about.


8 – Hidden Fees 

Before booking anything make sure that you are entirely aware of any additional fees there might be. Sometimes entertainment fees can be complicated so make sure that you leave no stone left unturned.


9 – Market Well  

It’s all very well spending all of your time and money on an event if you don’t market it properly! This may be something that you’ll need assistance with, and it is certainly something that should be factored into your budget at the beginning.


10 – Go All Out!  

If you’re struggling to decide on which entertainment act to roll with, why not hire them both? If you can afford it, go big, and go all out! Your guests will certainly thank you for it.  

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